Server Rules
!!! Server Rules !!!

1. Disrespectful attitude towards any of the Staff Members is forbidden; Punishment: - permanent account ban.


2 . It is forbidden to lie to Staff Members

3 . any 3rd party software used to increase the speed of the application. any 3rd party software (also known as bots and clickers) used for automation of anything in the game, such as killing monsters, collecting drops, auto-targeting monsters, healing, buffing etc;

4 . It is forbidden to use exploits

5. If you find a bug you must contact us with as much information as possible, either on the designated forum, by e-mail, or by private message on the forums

6 .It is forbidden to disrespect any other person via chat, in any form (abbreviated, symbols, full text)

7. It is forbidden to use any of the following words in character names, in any form of spelling: GM, Admin, Announcement and the names of the current and previous Staff Members;

8 . It is forbidden to start a shop near an NPC, especially Gatekeepers and Warehouse Managers such as Taurin in Giran. It is also forbidden to block more frequently used pathways to said Gatekeepers and Warehouse Managers;

9 . It is forbidden to trick someone else and steal their items and/or adena (also called scamming);

10 . It is forbidden to PK in low level areas with a high level character

11 . It is forbidden to enter an event zone (usually an arena) unless the event organizer invites you;

12 . Only one dual box allowed ( placed in down , ex. shop )

If you dont respect our rules , You can get :

- Ban
- Chat Ban
- Jail
- De lvl
- kick


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Lineage2 Free server
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